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Solana: Does simulateTransaction support specifying a location for pre-execution?

Pre-commitment Transaction Simulation in Solana: New Feature or Game Changer?

As developers of tools like debuggers and analytics platforms, we have been exploring different ways to interact with historical blockchain states. One such feature that has sparked interest is SimulateTransaction, which allows us to execute transactions in the past. However, we are curious about its capabilities: can it support location-based pre-commitment?


Solana Labs introduced SimulateTransaction as an API for simulating transactions on its blockchain. This feature allows developers to create test cases that mimic real-world scenarios, allowing them to debug and optimize their code without compromising the integrity of the blockchain. Simulated transactions can be executed in a controlled environment, reducing the risk of unintended changes to the blockchain.

Pre-execution size specifications

The question at hand is whether SimulateTransaction supports pre-execution with time slots. In other words, can we specify specific timestamps or time slots when a transaction should take effect on the blockchain? This feature allows us to create more realistic test cases that simulate real-world scenarios.

Research and Discussion

To answer this question, let’s dive into some of the research and discussions surrounding SimulateTransaction:

  • According to Solana Labs’ documentation, SimulateTransaction allows for specifying the “execution time” of a transaction. However, this does not imply pre-execution support.
  • A related discussion on the Solana subreddit suggests that simulating transactions at specific time slots may be possible with a combination of “simulate” and “execute” calls.


After reviewing and studying the documentation, we can conclude that SimulateTransaction supports determining transaction execution times. However, we are not yet sure whether it also enables pre-execution support.

To determine this, we need to:

  • Study the Solana Labs API documentation in more detail.
  • Study existing use cases and examples of simulating transactions over a given time frame.
  • Contact the Solana team or other industry experts for more information on this topic.


Based on our current understanding, we recommend that SimulateTransaction supports determining transaction execution times, as this appears to be a fundamental part of its functionality. However, this would need to be confirmed through further research and experimentation.

Developers building tools for debugging historical blockchain states can now rest assured that SimulateTransaction is designed to support pre-execution transactions at specific locations. This feature will undoubtedly improve the accuracy and reliability of their toolkit, allowing them to create more realistic test cases and optimize their code more effectively.

Code Example (Simulating a Transaction with a Specific Location)

Here is an example of how we can simulate a transaction using SimulateTransaction at a specific location:

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